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Flexibility is the New Security Norm

Holman Marketing
June 22, 2020

Nick Caller

Holman UK’s Managing Director, Nick Caller, discusses how the organisation and the team has adapted to the new business environment brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic:

“During my career, I have witnessed countless executives’ take the tried-and-tested approach to crucial business decisions – stick to the status quo, and there won’t be any questions.

That approach quickly came into question as we faced a global market shift due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Suddenly, the little things that seemed so reliable became some of the biggest challenges, like going into the office or even delivering a package.

Flexibility and transparency are core principles for our customers, their drivers and Holman, and this alignment has led to strong relationships with the fleets under our care. These relationships have contributed to increased customer engagement and allowed us to have real, impactful conversations that have changed how we think about fleet management and the industry.

As we navigate this situation and learn to deal with the subsequent social distancing measures, flexibility becomes even more critical. Suddenly your fleets, drivers, and fleet management professionals are being asked to revisit how they’ve always done business completely.

That includes working from home or remotely; upgrading offices, warehouses, worksites and garages to meet social distancing and sanitary requirements; cutting down on vehicle usage and driving; and increasing fleet to ensure employees are not sharing a vehicle.

I’ve personally had digital meetings with many customers at Holman to hear how they’re adjusting. Each customer carries unique problems and solutions, which we’ve worked with them to help resolve.

So, those processes and procedures we relied upon and deemed security measures are now the exact opposite. Which makes me wonder: is flexibility the new security?

Adjusting to the rapidly changing business climate has become a necessity but doing so safely and securely can be a big challenge. Our customers operate across a wide range of industries, and as leaders in them, they must be agile enough to continue providing their clients with goods and services, no matter what is going on in the world.

Being able to deliver on time and in a safe way without compromising your standards will always be the number one challenge, but what does that mean for the traditional way you operate your fleet?

You must review every aspect and reshape the future of your fleet to develop a secure market for your industry that your customers can trust and rely upon, no matter what happens in the world. Working with Holman, we will help you develop a roadmap that puts flexibility at the centre, including:

  • Delivery procedures
  • Driver sanitation and vehicle cleaning
  • Maintenance scheduling
  • Purchasing and remarketing
  • Liquidity options

This roadmap will allow you to adapt as the market does, adjusting while remaining reliable and stable.

As we continue to look at what fleet mobility will look like in the more flexible and adjusting work environment, I’m pleased to announce that Holman has introduced sale and leaseback, a sale & leaseback solution for a new era that puts flexibility and transparency at the core.

Holman’s sale and leaseback gives you the power to release equity from your vehicles and invest that capital where your business needs it. It also means you can do this while retaining all the flexibility required without the concerns of penal end of contract charges.

It’s a revolutionary product, especially during times when companies need to remain agile. Through Holman’s sale and leaseback, companies can build stable capital while operating a fully functioning fleet – with flexibility being the new security.

I look forward to continuing to work with our customers to grow and develop this product, but please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.”

Want to learn more about Holman’s sale & leaseback? Download our whitepaper HERE

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