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The Ripple Effect: 100 Years of Selling a Service, Not a Commodity

Holman’s success hinges on selling a service, not a commodity, but how do you turn that into actual value?


2024 will mark Holman’s 100th year running as a family business. Most people think of us as an automotive business, but from the day we started, we’ve always known that, first and foremost, we’re a people business.


Our success has always been driven by how well we treat our employees and customers, so no matter how big we’ve grown, people always feel they’re interacting with a small family-run company that provides first-class service and always has their best interests at heart.



Building Internal Harmony to Create a Positive Supplier/Client Relationship

‘Driving what’s right’ summarises how we aim to behave as an organisation. It reminds us that impacting each other positively through approachability and empathy within the Holman family causes a ripple effect that naturally enhances the broader experience for our customers, partners, vendors and the wider community.


How we behave, what we believe in, what we stand for, and how we conduct business form the bedrock of our relationship with our customers. For nearly a century, we have strived to provide our customers with a partner that behaves with trust and integrity, is easy to do business with, and gains and sustains their loyalty by delivering a high level of service at all times.



Building on Reputation To Provide World-Class Service for the Future

Our path to being a vibrant business for future generations is guided by a commitment to doing the right thing, treating others as we would like them to treat us, being passionate about our work (and finding new ways to do it better), creating mutual trust and support and seeking to do good for the community.


Extensive training that empowers and rewards exceptional people for exceeding customer expectations through extraordinary 24/7 service, helps us to provide the industry’s best automotive-related services. The following tips form a helpful guide to apply to your organisation to help create a harmonious workforce that leads to more positive customer experiences.



8 Tips for Turning Service Into Value

  1. Care for each other: Strive to treat every interaction as an opportunity to create and demonstrate a genuine connection.
  2. Be accountable: Operate with responsibility and accountability to create trust and loyalty within your organisation and customer base. The importance of accountability to build and maintain trajectory will increase as you continue to grow.
  3. Do what’s right, not easy: Following the right path is not necessarily the easiest route, but it always leads to the best outcomes and should be a fundamental part of your behaviour set.
  4. Think forward: Don’t get complacent; looking to stabilise and build on success by always looking ahead as a team to anticipate and supply your customers’ needs ensures future stability and growth.
  5. Serve relentlessly: Good service requires a fundamental desire to support and serve each other in all aspects of the business. Proactively helping each other will automatically extend to helping your customers, too.
  6. Create rewarding work: Ensure your workforce enjoys and finds reward and takes pride in their work. Acknowledging those who do it well helps to provide transparency and acts as a helpful behaviour guide to inspire and incentivise colleagues.
  7. Make it easy for others to do business with you: Positive internal processes, communications, and people will help make your organisation easy and enjoyable to work with and create loyalty and strong word of mouth.
  8. Practice what you preach:  Lead by example, shape and use your values to seek out and align with those who appreciate and embrace them.


Driving What’s Right Now and For The Future

Holman’s success has been driven by doing the right thing for nearly a century. This commitment will continue to guide us in everything we do. Learn more about Holman today.

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