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Expert Tips for Long-Lasting Tyres

Did you know worn tyres are one of the biggest drains on fleet SMR costs? What’s more, the impact on handling and stopping distances can be more dangerous than drink driving. There are an estimated 6 million tyres on the road with illegal tread, according to a recent survey, putting countless drivers at risk of safety and fines. It’s incredible to think that something so crucial – the only thing connecting your vehicle to the road – is so often overlooked!

This is not only dangerous, but can also cost you. By law, tyre treads must not be below 1.6mm. If you’re stopped by the police, you could face a £2,500 fine and three penalty points per tyre. But the good news is, drivers have the power to prolong the life of their tyres and avoid the dangers.

Here are our top tips to longer lasting tyres to reduce costs, emissions, and stay safer on the roads:

  • Drive Smoothly: Aggressive driving styles like rapid acceleration, harsh braking at high speeds, and sharp turns stress your tyres and leave behind bits of rubber. Instead practice these driving habits:
    • Gentle Acceleration: Speed up gradually to reduce your tyres rubbing against the road & improve fuel efficiency.
    • Brake Gradually: Avoid slamming on the brakes which can lead to skidding and worn rubber.
    • Approach Corners Slowly: Reduce your speed before turning to reduce stress on your tyres and to improve safety.
  • Slow Down on Uneven Surfaces:  Bumpy roads, dirt, gravel, and speed bumps are tough on tyres. When you speed, your tyres generate excessive heat that softens the rubber causing them to break down. Slow down on uneven surfaces to avoid wear & tear.
  • Don’t Overload: Packing more than the recommended weight limit puts a strain on your tyres, making them wear down faster. Always stick to the recommended weight limits for optimal tyre performance.
  • A.C.T – Air Pressure, Condition and Tread
    • Air Pressure: Uneven wear on the edges indicates underinflation, while worn centres suggest overinflation – both can lead to cracks and blowouts. Check your tyre pressure regularly according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
    • Condition: Regularly inspect your tires for cracks, lumps, or embedded objects
    • Tread: The tread depth should be visible on the outer, middle, and inner edge of the tyre – for cars, LCVs and Vans this should be 1.6mm (use the 20p test if you’re unsure!)
  • Get Comfortable:  Believe it or not, your driving position can affect your tyres! If you’re uncomfortable, you’re more likely to drive more aggressively that causes uneven wear. Adjust your seat for comfort and control of the vehicle.
  • Considerations For EVs: The heavier weight and rapid acceleration of EVs can lead to faster tyre wear. Practice gentle driving techniques and consider using tyres specifically designed for EVs to maximise their lifespan and minimise environmental impact.

Holman Can Help 

By prioritising safety with Holman’s Riskmaster, you can identify drivers in need of training to improve these driving habits. Additionally, proper tyre care extends tyre life and improves fuel efficiency, which can make a huge impact on SMR savings. Our innovative approach to tyre maintenance meant last year, we were able to save our customers a combined £32.2 million in tyre savings alone!

By practicing these simple tips and maintaining a proactive approach to tyre care, you can significantly extend their lifespan, improve fuel efficiency, and most importantly, ensure driver safety and the safety of others on the road.

Discover how Holman can help to keep your fleets safe and reduce your fleets SMR costs.